Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mini Photo Shoot on the Way School Holiday Show

 The tree was not done, we didn't even have the tree skirt, but I'm glad I took these pictures with the only camera I had left. Today was a busy day but I had hoped to get the tree done in the afternoon. Leah had an appointment for a speech evaluation this morning, and after that I intended to take her to school, come back and finish the tree and clean up a bit, and after I picked her up from school the plan was to make sure she took a nap before it was time to get her ready for the school's holiday show. Well, our burglars had other plans. On the way back from the evaluation, Mimi calls to inform me our house had been broken into. So instead of all those things we spent the rest of the afternoon with local law enforcement taking pictures and dusting for prints, etc.
 But we did manage some pictures.

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