Thursday, April 5, 2012

40 Bags in 40 Days, Where are we?

Well, we are a bit behind. We have cleared closets and have taken many trips to Goodwill, but we are behind. I hope to finish between today and tomorrow. Why are we behind you ask? Life! Dance lessons, speech therapy sessions, soccer practice, etc. That's the fun stuff, then , I had strep, now Mimi has it, Leah had an ear infection, Chloe has had to make 2 trips to the vet, my car in the shop to repair a few recalled items, we spent 2 weekends in a row out of town on business related issues and my allergies are out of control; and work, let's just say business has picked up. That is a very good thing, but leaves little time for organizing or even being home long enough to begin new projects.

But we have done a lot. Let's see:

Organized Leah's closet
Organized Danny's closet (probably 20 bags to Goodwill)
Re organized about half of the kitchen cabinets
Organized home office files (probably 20 bags of shredding)
Went through toys boxes and donated lots of toys (probably 20 bags of baby toys were still in my house)
Cleaned out and organized both linen closets
Cleaned out and organized laundry room
Organized DVD and CD closet
Planted a new spice garden

What we still need to do:

Finish the other half of kitchen cabinets
Scrapbooking "area" de-cluttered
Master Closet
Bookshelves in Family Room Organized
Officially move into the "new" kitchen and turn old kitchen into a den

Well, that last one may take a while. We currently have 2 kitchens. The original one we use is comfortable but small and not in the area of the house where I want it. The new kitchen is attached to the family room but is not done. So in the meantime, we have a bit of a mess in the new kitchen area which is currently and extension of the family room. Hopefully this summer we can tackle the kitchen and den,

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