Our older daughter, Mimi, started her own dance and performing art studio. Quite an accomplishment for someone so young. "Meems" has always worked very hard at everything she does and we are very proud of her accomplishments. She is still in college and hopes to attend her classes in the morning and teach in the afternoons. Our entire family has come together to help her; Dad, her brother Dan, and uncle Rich installed her dance floors, installed doors and walls, etc; her uncle Mike who lives in Phoenix is doing the studio's website, her aunt Ly had organized a team to paint, which is made up of cousins, Mom has organized the office and procedures and advertising, and Leah is our model and her images adorn the walls at the studio. We needed "art" for the walls so we dressed Leah in a tutu and let her play. Check out some of the images below. Who needs to purchase art when we have access to this face?

Congratulations! Where? Put Ling-Ling on the waiting list to get into the school.
Thank you Daisy! Will keep you posted.
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